Use These Tips to Get Through Your Upcoming Bathroom Remodel

by | Dec 4, 2020 | Contractor

There is a lot of thought that goes into a bathroom remodel, from choosing your upgrades to hiring reputable bathroom remodeling contractors in Jacksonville, FL. However, you also need to figure out how you are going to get through it. A home remodel is going to require you to change your routine, especially in a high-traffic area such as your bathroom. Use the following tips to get through your upcoming bathroom remodel.

Wash the Night Before the Start Date

It is no secret that you may have to go without a bath or a shower for a few days, so be sure to get in a good shower the night before the start date. You want to make sure you wash your hair and take care of your personal grooming. If they are not starting until later in the day, then you may also be able to get away with a quick shower that morning.

Remove Every Item From Your Bathroom

You want to remove every item from your bathroom before your bathroom remodeling contractors in Jacksonville, FL, show up. The last thing you want is to realize your toothbrush, razor or shampoo is still in the bathroom after construction has started. Box everything up to move to a temporary location the morning your contractors are scheduled to arrive.

Make Alternate Arrangements for a Bathroom

There are several ways to make an alternate arrangement for your bathroom, such as asking a relative, friend or close neighbor if you can use their facilities. If it is a short-term project, then you can stay at a hotel or head to your local pool for a swim and shower. However, it may be worth the price to have a makeshift bathroom installed in your basement. Once you come up with a plan for getting through your remodel, then you are ready to hire a team of American Home Remodel and Restoration.

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