
Truly Effective Fruit Fly Control

What is your technique for fruit fly control? Do you use flying insect sprays, fly paper, or baits? Maybe you use the old school technique of placing bowls of apple cider vinegar around the affected area and collecting the bugs. These may kill off part of the...

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Landscape Lighting in Atlanta – An Overview

You may have decided to choose outdoor lights in your garden, yard, or lawn area, but you are very confused and can't decide which types of illuminations would enhance the exteriors of the home. Drawing a design onto a piece of paper can give you several good ideas...

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Termite Control: Identification and Treatment

If you think your home might have a termite infestation, it is important to have your home treated as soon as possible. Termites do their damage in a slow, methodical manner, but since they multiply so quickly, your problem can get worse in a very short amount of...

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