Office spaces in New Jersey and across the nation are often cramped and impersonal places that create tension in our moods and muscles. We long to be outside in the fresh air, walking among the greenery. The same feeling that is created by a walk outdoors can now be enjoyed inside with the use of a vertical garden office space.
A vertical garden is a wall that has been transformed with preserved natural elements into a peaceful focal point that changes the mood in the office. A wall is literally covered with calming plants like lichen, moss and eucalyptus. The result is dramatic both in beauty and in the atmosphere of the space.
Consider looking up during a stressful conference call and seeing the verdant green of the soft, curly Provence moss covering the inner wall. Something about the forest-like feeling provides an immediate drop in tension. The air seems fresher and a calmness saturates the space.
For some people the preference for texture and color makes all the difference. Ball moss in vibrant hues of deep blue, purple, and mango can make a dull office seem energized while still being quiet. Moss provides a natural sound-buffering that will be welcome in a noisy office setting. The texture will make clients want to reach out and touch the area just for the sensory pleasure it provides.
If you wish for an interior forest, it can be created with long strands of lime-green plants, vibrant forest-green spikes, and feathery sprays of ferns, all on a bed of soft, flat moss. Throw in eucalyptus for a clean scent in the air. Remember – this wall is non-toxic, non-allergen, and completely maintenance-free.
The benefits of a vertical garden office are plentiful. Sound-buffering, mood-lightening, peace-inducing and stress-relieving benefits await the employees, staff, and visitors who enter the work environment.