What Are The Key Tasks Of A Janitorial Supervisor?

by | Jan 9, 2015 | Cleaning

9651543_lAn Oakland janitorial supervisor is an individual charged with the responsibility of overseeing the work carried out by janitors, maintenance people and cleaners who perform their tasks in one or more buildings. Depending on the circumstances the supervisor may also perform hands on duties while at the same time directing the activities of the other crew members. The exact duties vary but in general the supervisor schedules the work, assigns specific duties to specific individuals, trains new workers and acts as quality control.

Many janitorial supervisors have earned their position by working up the ranks. As an entry level janitor the person who is now supervisor will have been assigned all the anticipated tasks that relate to building cleaning and maintenance and eventually learns on the job what is expected of management as well as learned how to handle building systems. On his or her way up, the supervisor will at first have been given responsibility for a specific crew for a certain building. In many cases the company offers mobile services, cleaning and maintaining a host of different buildings, when this is the case the Oakland janitorial supervisor will be responsible for arranging transport for the crews from one building to another during a typical work shift.

Over and above hands on training and supervision the janitorial supervisor has managerial tasks that must be attended to. In most cases contract janitorial services are performed at times when there are few people in the building, this means the supervisor must carefully schedule all work, even on weekends if necessary. The supervisor must ensure that there are enough people on the service crew to accomplish all the tasks that are the company is contracted to perform.

Janitorial supervisors are often given the responsibility to hire and train new, entry level employees. In many cases the new hire is brought on board to deal with a specific client in a specific building, it is the supervisors job to acclimate the new hire to the building and to demonstrate everything that must be done to keep the premises in good order. On smaller properties the janitorial staff may be responsible for both the inside and outside of the building; as a result the Oakland janitorial supervisor must be adept at handling all the tasks which in the case include grounds work. If the janitorial supervisor sees the need for specialist work he or she will have to arrange a specialist company rather than attempt to perform tasks that are not part of their mandate. Visit Maintenance Systems Management, Inc. to know more

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