What To Ask Your Roofing Contractor Before Work Begins

by | Jan 21, 2019 | Roofing

Roofing contractors in Nassau County NY provide many important services that will help you to maintain the comfort and well-being of your home. You’ll call on them when you are concerned that damages and the home situation are becoming dangerous or threatening. Before you and your roofing contractor get to work on installing the new roof or making those critical roof repairs, there are some important pieces of information that should be established. Taking care to outline and understand this information before the project starts will help to ensure that the working relationship remains positive and cooperative.

Roofing contractors in Nassau County NY may get their supplies from a number of different places, so you can’t expect that those prices will be the same from one contractor to another. The costs of materials will usually make up the majority of the end costs, so you should understand clearly which of those materials are included in the initial estimate or bid provided by the contractor. In some cases, the contractor may be willing to provide samples of the materials so that you can be confident that they are high quality supplies.

While roofing contractors will provide you with an estimate for the cost of the labor to repair or replace your roof, this number may change as the project moves forward. You may want to ask the contractor for some problems that are commonly found as old roofs are taken off and how much those problems could potentially cost. Any additional labor or materials will be added to the initial costs; you’ll probably want to make sure that your budget can allow for those extra costs.

The original estimate should have a proposed cost for the labor and materials associated with removing and disposing of the old roofing shingles and other materials. You should also be able to identify who specifically will be responsible for this removal and any following clean up in the area.

There are some very important things to have included in the written agreement. Language describing the current conditions of your home and property and language describing how the property and home will look when the job is completed will be important. If you have put a lot of effort into the landscaping and appearance of your home, having all of that area protected from damage, in writing, will be very important to you. Roofing contractors in Nassau County NY should be familiar with this type of written information.

You will also want to have a proposed timeline written out so that everyone is clear on how long the project will take and what the deadlines are. Especially in an area where rain is a common occurrence, you want the confidence that your home will be adequately protected from inclement weather and that the roof will be replaced as quickly as possible.

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