Why I Found A Security Company in Houston TX

by | Aug 19, 2013 | Security

Believe it or not but, until recently I hadn’t even given a single thought to the question of additional security for my home and business. It’s not that I am a lazy guy and I definitely do not lack a buck or two. Quite the opposite in fact; I came from humble beginnings but put myself through college and graduated in oilfield engineering (not lazy). After college, I got a position with a major oil company (well, I do live in Houston) and quickly rose to a high paying level. I enjoyed my work but something was missing; I guess I always wanted to be my own boss.

Well, I had noticed that some of the equipment we were using in the field had scope for major improvement. Those who employed me did not seem very interested in my ideas so I spoke to my bank manager, got a loan, quit my job and set up my own company to design and manufacture my ideas. In a relatively short time, my company had grown to the size where it had a design office in a major building in the city and a small factory located in an out of town industrial park. By this time, I was married with one kid and a nice home in a gated community in the suburbs. (I said I was not short of funds).

As far as I was concerned, I paid taxes that provide the policewho protect me and my properties and, in any case, my home community has guards on the gate, my office is in a guarded building and I employ a watchman to keep an eye on the factory at night. I thought I was covered; then, out of the blue, my phone rang one night and it was the police asking me to get down to the factory. My night watchman had disturbed some kids climbing the fence and they had knocked him unconscious. Fortunately, he was not hurt and nothing was missing but the incident certainly made me think. My faith in the honesty of my fellow men and my blind trust in the “authorities” to look after me had been shaken.
The next morning I tracked down and found the Security Company Houston TX who gave me lots of good advice and have set up great security systems at all three of my properties. I can now happily relax and get on with my life and work.

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